Lamon Vanderburg Harkness had a passion for the finest things in life: silver, crystal, boats, horses. In 1869, at 19 years of age and with a $500 stake from his father, L.V. began his career in land and cattle. He would later become a large shareholder in the Standard Oil Company, a venture co-founded by his father. In 1891, pursuing a life passion-horses-L.V. purchased Walnut Hall Stock Farm near Lexington, Kentucky. His keen eye and uncompromising tastes transformed Walnut Hall into the foremost standardbred breeding and racing establishment in the world. Today his great-grandaughter, Meg Jewett-Leavitt, shares his love of standardbreds, objets d'art, and his spirit of adventure. Like her progenitor, Meg enjoys traveling the globe seeking the unusual "wants" and unique "must haves" that add so much spice to life. It is with great family pride that she shares these treasures through L.V. Harkness & Co. Our hallmark is quality.
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